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I love digital notebooks and planners and I want to invite you to join The Hub.

It's FREE.

Yep, you read right

I wanted to do a little something to thank the people that are on my mailing list.

Hopefully that will soon be you?

Usually, you sign up to a mailing list, you get a welcome email and then every now and then the person drops you a note.

I don't want to do that.

I want to give you a cosy place to pop into. I want to offer you regular freebies, offers and share other goodies that I find.

This would be exclusive to you!

Is it really FREE?

Yes! It is 100% FREE.

Does this mean I'm on a mailing list?

Nope. It used to be, but not anymore. It is now just a place where I’ve put some freebies and info for you.Â