4 Tips Boost Your Confidence With Your Journal

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Do you ever struggle with self-doubt, or feel like you’re not living up to your potential? Does your lack of self-confidence ever hold you back from achieving your dreams? If so, then you’re not alone. Fortunately, fostering greater self-confidence is possible, and a great way to do it is through using a journal. In this article, we’ll discuss four tips to help you boost your confidence with your journal, so you can achieve greater success and fulfillment in your life.

I’m not the most confident of people and I don’t mind admitting. Hey, its easy to admit anything when hiding behind the cover of a blog though.

If, like me, you haven’t been feeling your most confident lately, then let me tell you, that in my experience,  journaling can help!

Journaling is recommended for many different issues in your life. It truly is a great help with many things.

Simply putting your thoughts on paper is extremely therapeutic.

Let me share with you some of the ways that journaling can help boost your confidence.

1. Express Gratitude

One easy way to start feeling more confident is to write about what you are thankful for. Express gratitude for the awesome and amazing things in your life. Also reflect on your appearance or whatever is taking away from your confidence, and find the good things.

For example, if your confidence is low because of how you look, (in my case I am covered in eczema) then show gratitude for other things. I know deep down that my appearance is the least important thing about me. Try starting with physical attributes about yourself that you do like.

Also, make sure you talk about other strengths you have, including your talents, how hard working you are, how supportive you are to friends, your personality traits, anything you really love about yourself.

2. Try Positive Self-Talk

When writing in your journal, practice using positive self talk. Every time you have a negative thought, reframe it. This means to write it down in a more positive and optimistic way.

Anything can be turned into a positive with a bit of thought, even if the only positive thing about it is that is finished or that you learned an important lesson from it.

Even the most traumatic events in your life can be turned around in the opposite direction. This can be hard to do of course, but the more you practice positive talk, the happier and more confident you will be.

3. What is Triggering Your Negative Feelings?

“Trigger” is a word that is used a lot these days in mental health but try to think about your negative feelings, and what is actually triggering them.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it coming from you, or an outside source?
  • Why do you lack confidence?
  • What is making you feel vulnerable or judged?

If someone has been criticising you, then you know your negative feelings are from someone else, and not yourself. It is important to understand the difference between what you get from your own mind, and what other people are trying to convince you of.

Nobody’s opinion matters but your own, so this is a good first step to boosting your confidence with the help of your journal.

4. Focus on Your Strengths

Everyone has strengths, including you! Write about them in your journal, reflecting on what makes you an awesome person. And you are you know.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are you good at?
  • What have you endured to become where you are?
  • Where do you excel?

Write these down in your journal.

I hope these ideas help.Â